Please be patient with me as I get the books posted and buy buttons functioning. You will soon be able to purchase my books directly from my website here, as are many authors these days. We want to earn as much income from our books without paying the middle man, like Amazon, B & N, iTunes, and more. This also lessens the chance that my books will be stolen and posted on sites on the Dark-Web, where they post our books and THEY keep the profits, which is the membership fee they charge members that allow them to download author books without paying a cent to the authors. That is called Book Piracy and is wrong.
I appreciate that you may be interested in helping me accomplish book sales from my own site. My site uses PayPal, which accepts all types of credit cards via your own PayPal or credit card account. Should you have any issues, please email me at tonya@tonyakinzer.com
Thank you for stopping in and I hope you take a few minutes to look around. Not all of my pages are up yet. That will take some time. I'm also still writing after taking off a few years since all the Covid craziness. Thank you also for hanging in there with me. Please share my website with your reader friends who enjoy erotic romance with touches of BDSM and lesbian erotica.